Summer Wraps & Shawls

Can anyone explain to me why I will happily spend the summer knitting on a Aran weight sweater? On the hottest days of the year, with sticky yarn and damp hands… and yet come the winter I never think to work on my summer wearable projects? Hence here I am in May frantically crocheting a summer wrap for these wonderful (but cooler) evenings?

I do have a few from years gone by but there’s a disquieting need for at least one new one each year. When the latest delivery of Malabrigo yarns arrived I was rather taken with their Ultimate Sock in the Caramel colourway,

There are many, MANY patterns on the Drops yarn website, find them here DROPS SHAWLS I chose Lisbon Tiles and adjusted my hook size to get gauge.


There is another favourite designer, a wonderfully talented lady called Elizabeth Williamson, who produces some of the most exquisite patterns I have ever seen.  I’m super fortunate enough to know Elizabeth and have seen her work – it blows my mind, it’s simply stunning !! You can take a look at her website here Elizabethwilliamsonknitting

Her pattern, Scordar, below is magnificent.  I plan to make one of these in the same colour as my outfit for the next wedding I’m attending – NOT white, don’t worry, but rather a tone on tone shade in perhaps raspberry? It will provide a most elegant look but i will have the added bonus of knowing I will be able to wear it over and over throughout future summers. The pattern next to it is another one I covet, called Tirl, click the image to take you to her website.

Of course it goes without saying you can use any fingering/sock/4ply yarn for summer wraps and shawls. DROPS Fabel is a hugely popular choice, as is Rowan’s Lace yarn and any KidSilk yarns. It doesn’t always have to be intricately patterned, garter stitch shawls are great to knit up whilst watching your favourite tv shows.

Well, I have Knit Club now so have to choose which project to work on for the next few hours, do feel free to come along on any Friday afternoon. We are a friendly bunch and love to meet new people – even if you are just here on holiday then come in and join along for a few hours of yarny bliss !

Ohhh… nearly forgot, keep an eye out for posts with details of our Knit in Public Day – not to give too much away but you will require a Big Stick (we will supply), it’s on Saturday 10th June so mark it down in your planners now.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Much love, Sharon xx